HandPunch Recognition, Fingerprint (Biometric), Swipe Card and Proximity Card. All technologies available! Time Attendance
Systems for Companies with 5 to 5,000+ Employees!
HandPunch by Recognition Systems |

Manage Your Employee Time
Time Attendance Software normally run on a PC or on a Server and Data Collection Terminals sent the data theycollected
to thse points. Now we have what is termed "SaaS" Software as a Service. This applies to Time Attendance and Job Costing applications
as well. The applications are browser-based and in addition to the alrady mentions applications it can now host/combine Human
Resources applcations as well.
With Add-ons such as Employee Self-Service, employees can handle their own HR-related administrative tasks
from work, home, or on the road.
Sample Data Collection Terminals

Click here for Pricing
This is just a sampling of the varied time and attendance data collection terminals that are now available. Please contact
Vernon Lalonde and he will assist you in making the right choice.