Guard Tour Systems come in a range of choices from PC Driven to Mechanical (with Key Stations). The most advanced use
RFID or iButton Technology and use Hand Readers to collect the data at the stations (no Keys). The most advanced systems can
send data via Cellular line, Modem and Ethernet. GPS is now i n some of the more advanced models.
Vernon Lalonde recommends RFID Technology as it is a Touchless Technology and thereby more user friendly,
PC Driven Systems:

ProxiGuard Starter Kits
ProxiGuard Starter Kits come with the choice of the PG-2002S or PG-2002F Reader.
Each Kit contains the following:
1 - Reader (PG-2002S 0r PG-2002F)
1 - Leather Holster
1 - Communication Download Station
25 - Checkpoints (RFID)
2 - Guard Tags (RFID)
1 - Event Wallet (6 Events)
1 - Software & Manual
Now Available! Decal Type (Peel-off) RFID Tags for Metal or Hard
Flat Surfaces
Custom Kits same as above but with 25 Decal Type (Peel-off) RFID Tags Available!
Connect Anywhere On The Web |

The ProxiGuard Advantage
3 Year Warranty
Super durable water-proof reader
2 Year Battery life (user replacable)
Drop detection and excessive shock reporting
The most advanced guard tour reader in our line
30,000+ Memory
Wireless download to computer
5" x 1" small compact size
Only weights 4.7 ounces
Upgrades to Modem and TCP/IP Techonologies
Upgrade to Web Browser technology
ProxiGuard Guard Tour System enables verification and accountability of a guard's movement by providing the
location, time and date stamp.
The main advantages of using RFID (proximity) over other technologies are:
Non Contact: Bar code, touch memory (Dallas iButton) and other optically read systems
would be useless through a variety of substances such as snow, ice, paint, etc.
Convenience: Can be installed in multiple ways. Checkpoints can be hidden in walls,
new "Decal Type - Peel-off" Tags, etc.
Intrinsically Safe: Can be installed in potentially explosive athmospheres, etc.

Mechanical (Key Stations) Systems:
Detex Watchclocks |

Models: Guardsman/Newman/Quartz |
Amano PR-600 Watchman Clock |

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