New Kon Heavy-Duty Security Perforator Model 112

The Model 112 perforator adds an extra degree of document protection. Make a mark even time cannot erase.
The perforations (holes) made by a perforator cannot be modified or altered. It is great for prforating claims, checks, x-rays,
credit cards, badges, passports and more. The electric-powered perforating head can stamp through 20-30 sheets of paper at
a time.
- Rugged Construction: Made of heavy-duty aluminum alloy die casting. Completely enclosed gears and motor bearings
are lubricated for life. All steel punches and die plate. All incased in plastic case for economical pricing and shipping.
- Key option: Keys are available to give unlimited inscriptions for multiple operations.
- Various Styles and options from which to choose.
- Electric/Automatic
- Capable of making 20 to 30 pages at a time.
- Full range of characters, dates, numbers, cancellations, logos and symbols available for permanently marking
documents for numbering, authentication or security purposes.
- Dimensions D/W/H: 17.2" x 11" x 12"
- Shipping Weight: 98lb (144 Kg)
- Perforates: Full Range of Characters (See Actual Size Perforation Samples (Pdf) below.
- Maximum Capacity: 20 - 30 sheets
- Voltage: 100V, 50/60 Hz (Other available on request)
Download Actual Perforation Sizes
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